BREATHE... a journal

This blog is a preview for my memoirs. Sort of a journal. I like to post some of my ideas and inspirations here.

The journal has about 145 pages written so far and will also feature some of my artwork and pictures. Not a book. Not a comic book. CHAOTIC, like me.

As you can see, I am not writing in a typical format. The pages might look like poems but it's simply because I like things short and simple. Clean.

If you have ever experienced depression, you know that reading a book with pages filled with words is discouraging and you quickly lose interest...

BREATHE focuses on what I have learned and experienced so far, after the loss of my dad and the depression that followed.
I started writing to vent, but it has led me to knowing myself a bit better-- my limits, my dreams.


Friday, August 1, 2008

I weep for the world...

I keep telling myself that every life,
Each story just HAS TO have a happy ending,
That everything will turn out alright...

Then all I can think about are the sad endings
War, famine, natural disasters that take the lives of millions
Unsolved tragedies...

I've been depressed for the past three years
Yet I am blown away by how tiny & insignificant my situation is.

Then comes guilt, self depreciation
Wanting to do something good for the world,
Leave a mark...

My grief has gone global.
It's not just about me anymore...

I weep for the world
The entire human race
Our planet, slowly dying
The world leaders won't budge to help
The little guys are still doing all the work.
Now here's a sign of hope...
No matter how tiny or insignificant you feel
You can still make a difference.

In one person's life
Or the entire world.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I feel your pain. I am shooting a documentary with the same name as your poem. Its not surprising how many folks out there fell the same way we do. soulcoughing66 at