BREATHE... a journal

This blog is a preview for my memoirs. Sort of a journal. I like to post some of my ideas and inspirations here.

The journal has about 145 pages written so far and will also feature some of my artwork and pictures. Not a book. Not a comic book. CHAOTIC, like me.

As you can see, I am not writing in a typical format. The pages might look like poems but it's simply because I like things short and simple. Clean.

If you have ever experienced depression, you know that reading a book with pages filled with words is discouraging and you quickly lose interest...

BREATHE focuses on what I have learned and experienced so far, after the loss of my dad and the depression that followed.
I started writing to vent, but it has led me to knowing myself a bit better-- my limits, my dreams.


Friday, May 29, 2009

Still Breathing

A hundred and thirty-five pages into my book...
I am not entirely done but my therapist has encouraged me to prepare something to be sent to a publisher soon.
Perhaps learning about rejection and the way I might react is what he is curious about... then again, so am I.
Accepting criticism of my work, not as a personal attack but constructive opinion. This is what I have to keep in mind, I know.
But so much of myself has gone into this journal... I might not help but take it a bit personally.
But I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.


Anonymous said...

Just keep in mind that regardless of the content of your book, when you send your project, often, it's the opinion of one person that decides the faith of it. It's hard not to take it personal, especially in your case (it's pretty much your life you'll be submitting), but remember that.

J a n i e M a r t i n i said...

Thank you!! :)

I actually JUST submitted my first preview... it's quite nerve-wrecking but I keep reminding myself to stay positive no matter what!