BREATHE... a journal

This blog is a preview for my memoirs. Sort of a journal. I like to post some of my ideas and inspirations here.

The journal has about 145 pages written so far and will also feature some of my artwork and pictures. Not a book. Not a comic book. CHAOTIC, like me.

As you can see, I am not writing in a typical format. The pages might look like poems but it's simply because I like things short and simple. Clean.

If you have ever experienced depression, you know that reading a book with pages filled with words is discouraging and you quickly lose interest...

BREATHE focuses on what I have learned and experienced so far, after the loss of my dad and the depression that followed.
I started writing to vent, but it has led me to knowing myself a bit better-- my limits, my dreams.


Wednesday, July 30, 2008


About a month ago, I spent a week in Quebec city
and have never felt more at home... away from home!
This city has everything I've ever dreamed of.

The atmosphere, the people, the old charm
The brick streets, the art galleries and lovely cafes around every corner
People are friendly, people are happy!

Proud of our history and culture
Working hard to preserve it, cherishing it.
For the first time in weeks I was inspired.

Now I find myself back here...
Running circles again.

Wanting to go back.
But scared to leave what I have worked so hard for behind
Not wanting to leave the little family I have left.

I am torn... once again.